Terms and Conditions

The agreement between you and Chez la Vie on the following terms comes into force when you make a partial of full payment for a workshop or event, or place an order onsite at our studio or through our website .  If you are unable to understand or have any questions, please contact us before you make any order.  You will be required to confirm that you have read and accept these terms before you submit an order to us.

A) Bookings

  1. Payment for all bookings shall be made in Hong Kong dollars.
  2. Bookings made will receive an email once payment has been processed.

B) Images

  1. All images shown in our websites are for illustration purpose only.  Actual design and products may vary due to product enhancement or seasonal availability of raw materials.

C) Cancellations & transfers

  1. Confirmed bookings may not be cancelled or changed, and the tuition fee are non-refundable in any circumstances. However, bookings can transfer to your friends for the same workshop but must be consented with Chez la Vie and not less than 48 hour's notice.
  2. There is minimum number apply to run workshops. If it is not met, the workshop will be cancelled. At least 48 hours’ notice via phone / email will be given and a choice of rescheduling or a full refund will be offered.
  3. If a workshop is postpone or cancelled due to circumstances beyond the control of Chez la Vie, Chez la Vie is not responsible for any costs, damages or expenses that you may suffer or incur. Refund will be given in accordance with our prevailing refund policy at such time.
  4. Chez la Vie reserves all the rights, at our sole discretion, to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.

D) Attendance

  1. All classes are for adults only, unless otherwise stated.
  2. Please inform us of any dietary requirements when making a booking. While we will make every effort, we cannot accommodate dietary requirements in all cases.
  3. Photographs may be taken during the workshops and used for marketing purposes. If you do not want us to use photos of you, please let us know.
  4. Video recording is strictly prohibited during the workshop.
  5. Workshops will start on time. It is best to arrive 10 minutes early so that none of the workshop is missed.  Participant arriving with over 20 minutes late,  he/she may be refused to enter the workshop to avoid affecting workshop progress of other students.
  6. Unless with written authorization from Chez la Vie, only Chez la Vie instructors,  staff, and registered participants with full payment settled will be allowed to stay in the studio during workshops / classes.
  7. Chez la Vie instructors and staff reserve the right to reject/cancel the booking or refuse anyone, without giving prior notice, who is or believed to be intoxicated or behaving erratically or unruly behaviour. The participants or event organiser may be held financially responsible for any damage to or loss of Chez la Vie property during the workshop or event.

E) Release of liability

  1. When participating in a Chez la Vie workshop or event, whereby the participant will be in the presence of or using sharp or potentially dangerous kitchen utensils and appliances, the participant releases, indemnifies and excludes Chez la Vie and its contractors and staff from all actions, claims, demands, and all liabilities of any kind for any damage, injury or death arising out of or as a result of attending workshop or visiting Chez la Vie due to the negligence on the part of the participant or on the part of such authorised person. The participant understands these terms and conditions and accepts the inherent risks of a kitchen environment when they make a full payment for a workshop or event.
  2. Chez la Vie will take all necessary care, but accepts no responsibility for the damage to or loss of property left in the venue prior to, during or after a workshop or event. Chez la Vie is not responsible for the loss or damage of personal items in any form.
  3. Participant will produce their own bakery products in the bakery workshops. All bakery products are for demonstration purposes only. Participants are required to handle their bakery products at their discretion.

F) Privacy Policy

  1. This privacy statement describes how Chez la Vie collects and uses the personal information you provide on our website.
  2. Chez la Vie is committed to safeguarding the privacy of individuals with respect to personal data. We make sure that our policies and practices in relation to the collection, use, retention, transfer and access of personal data comply with the requirements of the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486) (the “Ordinance”).
  3. When you visit our website(s), we will record your visit only and will not collect any personally identifiable information (i.e. information that is about you and identifies you) from you unless otherwise stated. Cookies used (if any) in any part of our website will not be deployed for collecting personally identifiable information.
  4. At times, you may be asked to provide your personally identifiable information (“Personal Data”) including, but not limited to, your name, telephone number, email address, delivery address in order to enjoy the service we offer. Specific purposes for which your Personal Data may be used are set out in our Personal Information Collection Statement, including the use of Personal Data for direct marketing.
  5. All personal data you provide to us is secured on our website with restricted access by authorized personnel only. If you choose to use Stripe to finalize and pay for your order, you will provide your credit card information directly to Stripe, Inc. Stripe’s privacy policy will apply to the information you provide on the Stripe’s Web site. Please refer to www.stripe.com.
  6. We will retain your information for as long as your account is active, or as needed to provide you services. If you wish to cancel your account, or request that we no longer use your information to provide you services, contact us at chezlavie.yummy@gmail.com. We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.
  7. This website may contain links to other websites which are owned and operated by third parties. We have no control over the content of the linked websites or the way in which the operators of those websites deal with your Personal Data. You should review the privacy policy for those third party websites to understand the ways in which your Personal Data may be used by those third parties.

G) Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS)

  1. As a Chez la Vie customer, it may be necessary for you to provide us with your Personal Data when you apply to us and / or continue to subscribe with us for a service and / or product (“Services”). If your Personal Data is incomplete or incorrect, we may not be able to provide or continue to provide the Services to you.
  2. We shall keep your Personal Data confidential at all times. Our policies and practices with respect to the collection, use, retention, disclosure, transfer, security and access of Personal Data will be in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong and are as set out in this PICS.
  3. You agree that all the Personal Data provided by you to us may be used and retained by us for the following purposes and for other purposes as may be agreed between you and us or required by law from time to time: i) Fulfill your order; ii) Send you an order confirmation; iii) Send you a booking reminder; iv) Assess your needs to determine suitable products or services; v) Send you requested product or service information; vi) Send product updates or warranty information; vii) Respond to customer service requests; viii) Administer your account; ix) Send you a newsletter; x) Send you marketing communications; xi) Improve our Web site and marketing efforts, xii) Conduct research and analysis; xiii) Respond to your questions, concerns, and disputes.
  4. We cannot use your personal data unless we have received your consent.
  5. CCTV system is installed in our studio primarily for general security purposes to protect the safety of customers, our staff, or properties, and for resolving disputes. Access to and use of the CCTV records will only be granted to authorized personnel. We may disclose the CCTV records to third parties including regulatory authorities and law enforcement agencies where it is necessary to respond to any dispute, legal processes, or to investigate any incidents or complaints, etc.
  6. We may disclose and transfer (whether in Hong Kong or abroad) your Personal Data to our contractors under a duty of confidentiality to us who provide services to us. These companies are authorized to use your personal information only as necessary to provide these services to us.
  7. You have the right, at reasonable fee, to i) check whether we hold any of your Personal Data; ii)  access your Personal Data held by us; iii) require us to correct any Personal Data which is inaccurate; iv) ascertain our policies and practices (from time to time) in relation to Personal Data and the types of Personal Data held by us; v) opt out from receiving direct marketing materials from us at any time.
  8. Any requests in relation to the above shall be in writing (sent by post or email) and addressed to Chez la Vie email: chezlavie.yummy@gmail.com

G) Trademarks and Registered Trademarks

  1. The Chez la Vie logo is the registered trademark of Chez la Vie, registered in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.
  2. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac OS are trademarks of Apple inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
  3. Google Pay and the Google Pay Logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Google, Inc.